ISKK Patch

ISKK Patch

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Welcome to the ISKK Blog. This Blog has been set up for all Members of the ISKK, and any and all potential members, that they may find a place of expressed knowledge, and sharing. 

It is this, that is uncommon among many organizations. We are a place of many "equals", with much combined knowledge and experience. Willingness to share is the secret of Karate.

Word's from our  Shihankai:

ISKK- An Association of Senior, like minded Karate-ka who not only preserve the older Way of Karate, but we strive to understand and embrace Karate's trilogy, or the Karate before Itosu Sensei introduced the Seito Karate, the Seito Karate-do curriculum itself, and the Karate that emerged with Style names attached. 

This is a place to gain access to old school knowledge, current training opportunities, and legitimate rank grading if desired. All this under guidelines established to promote true "Budo Karate". 

A place to connect the History of the past and the ability of modern training, combined to improve your overall Karate. A non-political place that allows you to maintain true Budo standards without regard of Style, or Ryu-ha. 

Join Us! Let's move towards unity and growth, by understanding the old and adding the new. ISKK!

Firstly, we are not a big $$$$ group, but we do have a modest, one time, Lifetime Membership for those who want the Certification that comes from the ISKK's outstanding leadership, and their standing in the World of Karate.

We simply have some of the best Sensei available as members already. Truly qualified, and fully vetted, they are fully credible in their efforts to share Karate with the general public. In this business, your "Reputation" is all you can really offer to those around you.

Our Group is Governed by the Administrative Council. We then maintain a Shihankai, a Board consisting of several Rokudan/6th dan's, and higher to help us with matters outside of the Admin Teams Ryu or Ryu-ha, and requiring assistance from them on particulat matters concerning the Membership where applicable.

We also at times have a very Senior person to sit in the chair as Kaicho, usually at 8th dan or higher. We have been fortunate to have had two very busy people sit in this chair, for many several years each. Hanshi Paul Fracchia of Shito-ryu, and Hanshi Dwight Holley of Shotokan have sat upon our board.

Also within the Shihankai we have several outstanding Martial Arts leaders in their own right, each demonstrating via the "Way" of Budo Karate.  We are represented currently by 7th dan Bud Morgan of North Carolina, 7th dan Malcolm Bates of the United Kingdom, and 7th dan Ridzuan "Pak Wan" Zain of Malaysia. Leaders all, these men will as a group, dedicate all they have towards the success of the ISKK, and to each Member individually.

We also have many high ranking members from all over the World. Many of them are very experienced in their respective arts and are willing to share with you at a moments notice. We have hundreds of people on our Facebook site and we welcome those who are interested in real karate to go there. That simple. Come and join us.

We are not a diploma mill, nor will we ever be. Our membership is highly vetted, and highly qualified. Our members are considered some of the best in Karate, and some of the most dedicated in the Karate World. 

Rank and Title may at some point originate from our Association, and we may at some point also help guide you to further Certifications from Japan if you are so interested. This will be on a case by case basis, and will happen rarely. Again, we are not a Diploma Mill.

As ISKK members, you may also expect us to help you secure the most valid Karate Certifications that are available World wide. Just be ready for the work required. It is always true that Rank and Title, and the reputation of the Issuing Organization, will follow you throughout your Karate life. 

For you to issue to others, or to hold any Grade or Title that is seen by your peers as non-legitimate, destroys your reputation personally as well as the reputation of the issuing authority. We must all be aware of this at all times.

At the ISKK, our Lifetime Memberships are simply $75.00 US, or International $95.00 or the equivalent. No yearly, no anything else except support and more sharing. 

Our Certificates are custom made and really nice, but the group as a whole, and the training and sharing is even nicer. Rank and Title upgrades are always $35.00 USD or Int'l equivalent, used to cover the cost of the new Certificate, packaging, and postage.

Please see our Facebook Group (International Seito Karate Kenkyukai) and feel free to get to know us and the support that can be gleaned through full membership. The link is:

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